Saturday, April 25, 2009

hehe..mari2 tag2

1. What's your full name?
Munira Shazana  Bt Md Said..a beautiful name=)

2.Do you hate someone at this moment?


3.What makes you hate her/him?


4.You love your family?
yes i really2 do!

List 5 names of your friends that you love...

Muja..muja..muja..she's my best frenx ya!

6. Why do you love them?

love has no reason..

7.Who do you prefer, your dad or mom?
dad plus mom,mom plus dad

8.Did someone make you cry this week?

9. When was the last time you make your friend laugh?


10. Do you like someone at this moment?

yes!the man next double doors..hahah

11. What was the last present you received?

cute little brooch from kak ita

12. Are you missing someone?


13. What was the last message did you received from your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend?

14.What was the last comment you received?

-positive comment-ok!


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